Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Month 1: Adjustment

Today marks one month of marriage for my husband and I.  Our wedding day was a beautiful snowy blizzard.  It was seriously the best day of my life and I soaked up every minute of it.  The best word to describe marriage so far: adjustment.  Everything is an adjustment. Here we are, living with each other for the first time, in a new place (we both moved from where we were into a house we bought together), with no furniture, no tv, and no internet. 

Everything is an adjustment.  Simply living together, being homeowners, the chores, driving everywhere together, being away from family.  It's all an adjustment.  Practically every single thing in your life is new or different in some way.  Marriage hasn't been hard because of fighting or getting on each other's nerves.  It's been hard because it is a HUGE change. 

All that being said, it is also amazing.  I get to live with my best friend.  I get to feel safe in his arms every night.  Our life is now OUR life.  He's always there for me and always will be.  That is worth the struggle of adjustment, and all of the future struggles that life throws out. 

Since this is the first post, and it's January, I do feel obligated to share my goals for the year.
1. Live intentionally - I wasted so much of last year doing nothing, procrastinating, and playing candy crush.  This year, I want every moment to be filled with purpose, God's purpose.

2. Listen for direction - I want to listen to God's direction for my life.  I want to be more involved in ministry opportunities and make opportunities happen.

3. Move - I want to move more, whether it be going for a run, dancing around the house, or just not sitting down after work, I need to move more. 

4.  Complete the Whole 30 Challenge.  I plan to start February 1st.  This will help me understand how food affects my body and which foods sit well (or don't sit well) with my stomach. 

Okay, this is a really long first post, so I'll wrap it up.  There is sure to be more to come, and hopefully more entertaining! 

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